Sunday, 27 July 2014

The Pictures Are So Much Better...

This might have been written by way of advertisement.

It is unashamedly a positive reflection upon a new service available through Amazon.

I have been subscribing to this service for only a couple of months, and it may sound trite, but it has rather suddenly transformed my life.

This may sound grand, but if I may recount is little background this claim will make much more sense.

The service I am talking about is Audible, the means by which it has become possible to download audiobooks at a fraction of their normal cost.

I have become an avid listener to audiobooks more recently, quite simply because though I have been an inveterate reader for much of my life, the fact of my multiple sclerosis means that I cannot hold a book, nor turnEach page.

Although I am able to make out what the text of a computer document is, my eyesight has been severely affected by optic neuritis.

And so, my recent discovery of this means by which I can immerse myself in the written word has restored something important that otherwise had been lost to me.

Now the only issue is that age old problem, what to read.

Over the past couple of years, perhaps for obvious reasons, I have become much more interested in film as a medium.

Now suddenly I have become fascinated with reading the novels that have become the basis of films, and it is extremely interesting to me as someone that has been interested in creative writing for many years to see where the resulting film perhaps differs from the novel that inspired it

This is one of numerous possible ways in which I might direct line interest the written word, although there may be numerous other means by which I could navigate and make choices.

But for now, this is an important first step, and goodness I have much distance to travel to catch up with where I may have reached is books had remained accessible to me.

I still like to surround myself with antiquarian books, their pages filled with extraordinary images, and the wondrous smell of old paper.

But my imagination is once again inspired by accessing works which I thought were beyond me.

And after all, just like listening to radio, the pictures are so much better.